Carlos Dora is a global health and environment governance hands-on analyst and leader, with extensive experience in designing and implementing multidisciplinary initiatives and partnerships with a focus on health, equity and sustainability. Architect of health and public policies programs on air pollution and climate change mitigation, with a focus on urban development, transportation, energy, housing and the extractive industry. Extensive experience in Health in All Policies, Health Impact Assessments and in designing regional, national and global initiatives involving city and national governments, civil society, academia, philanthropy and the UN. Over 25 years working with the World Health Organization, World Bank, academia (London School of Hygiene and Columbia University). Now president of the International Society for Urban Health as well as advisor to philanthropy, civil society organizations, UN agencies and national governments. A medical doctor, he started his career as a clinician and developing innovative models for quality primary health care. He has an MsC and a PhD in epidemiology by the London School of Hygiene. His publications cover health impacts of sector policies, health impact assessment, public understanding of science and risk communication with different population and stakeholder groups. Engaged and highly committed to contributing to social change for health, wellbeing, equity and sustainability.